MO GOP Platform

I have provided below a copy of a page from the MO GOP website. The icons below will take you to the various sections of the platform .  If you have never read it, I encourage you to read it.  This is the tool to  gauge candidates and current elected officials to see how they measure up to the expectations contained in this document.

Missouri Republican Platform 2020

Most of what is important in life we do for ourselves, without the government. We form our own families and raise our own children. We choose what we want to do in life. We pray to our God as we choose; we form and join the religious and civic groups that care for our neighbors in need and shape the direction of our state. There are only a few things we need the government to do for us; but it should do those things well and faithfully.


Missourians deserve a state and national government with the vision to see the bright future ahead and the effective leadership to guide us there. We pledge to continue providing both the vision and the effective leadership Missourians deserve.

MO GOP Platform - Preamble
MO GOP Platform - Freedom
MO GOP Platform - Faith and Family
MO GOP Platform - Security
MO GOP Platform - Resolutions
MO GOP Platform - Committee